Finds and replaces strings in expressions on selected layers or properties, or across the entire project
- Find: Initiate a search within your project for a specific item.
- Replace: Substitute the found item with another one of your choosing.
- Scope: Define the range of your search and replacement operation, which can include:
- Selected Properties: Only the properties you have specifically chosen will be affected.
- Selected Layers: The action will only take place within the layers you have selected.
- Selected Comps: The compositions you have highlighted will be the only ones impacted.
- The Entire Project: The search and replace operation will span across your entire project.
- All expressions: All expressions, regardless of their state, will be considered.
- Enabled Expressions: Only the expressions that are currently active will be taken into account.
- Disabled Expressions: The operation will only focus on expressions that are currently inactive.
- Expression with Errors: The action will specifically target expressions that contain errors.
- Match Case: Determine if your search is case sensitive. If this option is checked, 'Find' will differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters.
How to use?
To use this tool, simply input the string you want to find in the 'Find' field, and the string you want to replace it with in the 'Replace' field. Then, specify the scope of your operation. Once all the fields are filled out, click 'Replace All' to execute the operation.
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Remove Expressions with Errors