
Setup Process:

To set up shortcuts in MoBar, head to MoBar's Preferences and choose the Shortcut tab. If it's your first time adding a shortcut, you'll see a warning message asking you to copy files to the script folder. Click "Let's do it!" button to proceed. This action will open two windows. Copy the files from "MoBar's Scripts" to the "AE Scripts" folder and then restart After Effects for the changes to take effect.


Handling Conflicts:

If you attempt to assign a shortcut already in use by another command in AE, a warning window will appear. Clicking OK will assign the shortcut to the tool, replacing the old command's shortcut.


Saving Shortcuts:

To apply these changes in After Effects, you don’t need to restart it. Instead, simply open and close the "Keyboard Shortcuts" window to refresh the shortcuts. On Mac, this process occurs automatically after you assign a shortcut. On Windows, the "Keyboard Shortcuts" window will open automatically, and you simply need to close it to finalize the process. Once completed, your keyboard shortcuts are ready for use.
